Monday, September 13, 2010

Burn a Koran Day celebrated by anti-abortion protestors

In the category of "Some people don't know who their friends are..."

The right has a very keen ability to build broad single issue coalitions across otherwise major disagreements on religion, morality, and numerous other pillars of the right's own agenda. Israel leads to strange bedfellows between the most politically conservative of Christian and the most liberal of Jew - people who wouldn't want to be in the same room and couldn't well be if talking about anything other than Jerusalem as the united capital of Israel.

This weekend's not a bang, but a whimper of Koran burning festivities was observed in NYC by members of a radical Christian anti-abortion group, Operation Rescue. These are your friends with the big bloody fetus pictures who try to shut down the last clinic for hundreds of miles in a state with only a single doctor willing to perform abortions.

Granted, some fundamentalist conservative Christians hate the Koran and hate abortion doctors just as much.

That aside, what exactly is an apparently single - issue, uni-agenda anti abortion havoc wreaking organization doing burning Korans?

Do these people not know that Muslims heavily restricts and often completely forbids a woman from willingly terminating her pregnancy? If these people really cared about babies getting born, wouldn't they want more people to read the Koran? If your version of the Bible, which we grew up with whether we wanted it or not, hasn't worked by now, and I'm still contemplating an abortion, wouldn't you, Mr. Operation Rescue Man (and its always a me girl), want me to read anything that would stop me from terminating?

Instead, the group set a book thats reached billions with its message, including its message of the sanctity of the unborn, aflame.

Its an interesting lesson anyway in that group's decision to align itself along religious lines and burn the Koran than find moral and political common ground with those that agree with its alleged single mission of ending abortion.